Thursday 14 February 2013

Database Management Survey 2013

I wish to say a huge thank you to all those people who participated in the Database Management Survey 2013 for my PhD research. 

I have put together a few demographics which might be of interest to people.  The results of the data will be published in due course once analysis has taken place.  

To view the document.

Saturday 2 February 2013

SQL Server Benchmark and Testing Tools

A list of tools are mentioned for benchmarking and stress testing at

A few of the tools are listed below. 

SQLIO is a tool provided by Microsoft which can also be used to determine the I/O capacity of a given configuration. SQLIO is provided ‘as is’ and there is no support offered for any problems encountered when using the tool.

SQLStress is a tool to stress test a Microsoft SQL Server installation. Its main purpose is to find infrastructure problems within an installation. It can also be used for hardware sizing, system tuning or benchmarking. The focus is on simplicity.

SQL Load Generator
SQL Load Generator is used to run multiple concurrent queries against SQL Server. The user can choose the number of concurrent queries to run, provide different queries, choose SQL or domain accounts, and provide application name settings.

Hammerora is a free open source tool, so it’s an extremely accessible, quick way to start benchmarking or simulating load. The autopilot feature also makes running workloads fairly automatic.
More details about it are here

SQLQueryStress is a free tool for SQL Server programmers. It is designed to assist with performance stress testing of T-SQL queries and routines 
More details about this stress tool