Tuesday 29 September 2020

Ignite 2020 Book of News


The Microsoft Ignite 2020 book of news is a guide to the key items the Microsoft announced a Ignite. This year it is an interactive live site to explore.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

UK National Data Strategy

The UK National Data Strategy has been published  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-national-data-strategy/national-data-strategy There are 4 interconnected pillars listed:

  • data foundation
  • data skills
  • data availability
  •  responsible data


The National Data Strategy is an ambitious growth for building a world leading data economy. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-data-strategy

A summary of the evidence reviewed and evidence gaps can be found here


The mission is to

Unlocking the value of data across the economy.

Securing a pro-growth and trusted data regime. 

Transforming government’s use of data to drive efficiency and improve public services. 

Ensuring the security and resilience of the infrastructure on which data relies

Championing the international flow of data

It builds upon initiatives such as the Industrial Strategy, the AI Review, the AI Sector Deal and the Research and Development Roadmap – setting out a framework for how we approach and invest in data to strengthen our economy and create big opportunities for us in the future. 

Sunday 6 September 2020

Microsoft Ignite 2020 - digital event

 It is exciting to see  Microsoft Ignite be a digital event experience on September 22-24, 2020. Despite this being a strange year the 

The sessions catalog is here.The catalog contains some amazinf learning experiences. The session Building Digital Resilience with Satya Nadella will be an interesting session to watch. I find Satya Nadella such an inspirational speaker.

Have you completed your event list?

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Thursday 3 September 2020

Spark + AI Summit Europe has evolved

Spark + AI Summit Europe is Expanding and Getting a New Name: Data + AI Summit Europe. In November 2020, there will be the launch of the inaugural Data + AI Summit Europe, officially expanding Spark + AI Summit content and community to include all things data, with a focus on the best open source technologies for building enterprise data applications!
https://databricks.com/blog/2020/09/02/spark-ai-summit-europe-is-expanding.html .  You can also access all of the videos and slides from the 2020 virtual conference. WATCH ON DEMAND