Tuesday 13 September 2022

PASS Summit 2022 session schedule

 I am pleased to share my session schedule 

Business Benefits of Good Governance

Summit - Day 1 09:30 AM - 10:00 AM PST

Category: Live  Q&A

Theme: Ahead of the curve

Transformation and Innovation: Why the Database Must be Included

with Steve Jones and Joshua Higginbotham

Summit - Day 1 02:30 PM-03:45 PM PST

Category: Panel

Theme: Ahead of the curve

Data Governance with Azure Purview - Ask the Experts ( Now Microsoft Purview)

With Erwin de Kreuk and Wolfgang Strasser

Summit - Day 3 09:30 AM - 10:45 AM PST

Category: Panel

Theme: Revolutionary

Monday 12 September 2022

Access control in the Microsoft Purview governance portal

Microsoft Purview has a set of predefined roles with differing levels of access defined here. There is always a lot of reading on these pages but further down I spotted a useful chart. Diagrams help show the access clearly.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Metadata Management

Metadata is an important facet of data entities and sits within the data governance space.  Meta data is data about data. There are various categories of metadata.  

  • Business metadata describes all aspects used for governance, finding & understanding data.
  • Technical metadata describes the structural aspects of data at design time. 
  • Operational metadata describes processing aspects of data at run time.
  • Social metadata describes the user perspective of the data by its consumers.

Often metadata connects business domains, processes, technology and data. A good place to start is at the technical layer and a tool such as Microsoft Purview can be useful to make this scalable. The end goal is understandability of the data leading to good data quality.

Saturday 3 September 2022

Purview Git Hub Resources

There are a set of solution accelerator on GitHub for Microsoft Purview. These are:


A connector to ingest Azure Databricks lineage into Microsoft Purview


Solution accelerator to help build Machine Learning Lineage



Solution Accelerator to help build Purview custom connectors


Solution accelerator for creating custom type definitions in Microsoft Purview.