Wednesday 28 December 2022

A Data Governance Story Part 2

 The second part of the governance story.

Data Catalogues are the foundation stones of data governance  
Data landscape knowledge is a wonderful thing. The data map enables the organisation of data sources by business flow within a security boundary 
Data passed through many different areas being transformed by the rich data he found along the way 
Being able to find and discover new data with ease, is important to bring a data culture to an organisation 
Data provenance can be such an insightful thing 
Automated data classification in tools such as #MicrosoftPurview help speed up insight into data

Managing data sharing between organisations 
A consistent planned route on a map with accurate place location, validated using a compass. The uniqueness of natural geology in a national park complete with a photo & passed the finish line on time 
Data policies for access, security, data residency governing the use of data amongst groups and locations 
Readiness assessments are a great place to start 
Help a business obtain a standard set of commonly used terms across the teams
Data Ethics is a key component of governing data 

Meta data come in many forms  
Establishing a data governance operating model for a village requires all the interconnected parts to come together as a whole for the best outcome 
Data Strategy sets the path to success 

Wednesday 14 December 2022

Azure Synapse MVP series video

In the Azure Synapse Analytics month's MVP series video, Ryan Majidimehr was joined by two MVPs, myself and Andy Cutler, to talk about the upcoming Azure Synapse conference called Data Toboggan.

Friday 9 December 2022

A Data Governance Story

 A tale for December. The business and the frameworks.

Time for some cheer 
Datum and Data on a journey. The Data Owner life 
Data working with other stewards
Business is thriving with well governed data 

Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK2)  shares the principals of effective data management
The Cloud Data Management Capabilities Framework (CDMC) provides an industry best practice for data management and analytics  
CMMI’s Data Management Maturity (DMM) Model covers best practices for providing support for the implementation of process in 5 categories  
The Data Management Capability Assessment Model (DCAM) can be used for new data management programs or to benchmark  existing programs progress 
The Control of Data Expediently (CODEX) framework allows a birds eye view of the entire system to be taken, to help combine all the elements and environment 
Data having fun juggling and working with different frameworks to cover all elements

Catch the next instalment later.