Friday 1 May 2009

Open DBDiff

Open DBDiff is an open source database schema comparison tool for SQL Server 2005/2008. It reports differences between two database schemas and provides a synchronization script to upgrade a database from one to the other.

Open DBDiff can synchronize

* Tables (including Table Options like vardecimal, text in row, etc.)
* Columns (including Computed Columns, XML options, Identities, etc.)
* Constraints
* Indexes (and XML Indexes)
* XML Schemas
* Table Types
* User Data Types (UDT)
* CLR Objects (Assemblies, CLR-UDT, CLR-Store Procedure, CLR-Triggers)
* Triggers (including DDL Triggers)
* Synonyms
* Schemas
* File groups
* Views
* Functions
* Store Procedures
* Partition Functions/Schemes
* Users
* Roles

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