Monday 12 December 2011

DBA in Space Last Day of Voting

It has reached the last day of voting for the Redgate DBAinSpace competition. I have to say it has been  quite a busy week trying every way possbile to promote yourself, Redgate and get votes. I have to say a major thanks to my brother Roger Holt for his determination and persistance with trying to get votes over the last week. It has been a fun experience and for everyone at work, it meant they got a whole week of me not talking about SQL. Voting still possible till 12 tomorrow

You will find me also at 

DBA in Space Finalist Victoria Holt
The home of great sql server articles

DBA in Space video

Make it Count

Oxford Brookes Alumni

Open University

Singletrack Mountain Bike Magazine

SQL Server Community
Help with the local user groups in the region  tweeting
SQLServerClub in Bristol and
Avon Information Management Group in Bath

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