Thursday 8 November 2012

The Data Lifecycle: Turning Data Into Business Value

The second PASS summit keynote was delivered by Quentin Clark, Corporate Vice President, Data Platform Group. The keynote took a journey through the data lifecycle. The data lifecycle being broken down into 5 areas.
  • Collaborate
  • Operationalize
  • Manage
  • Discover and refine
  • Visualize
The lifecycle starts with managing all the data. Combining any data wherever it lives, be it relational and non-relational, cloud & on-premises and model architecture. Then from that data finding all the relevant information and ways to unlock the value of the data with models and analysis. After which creating visualizations of the data and allowing collaboration on the data. The data requires governance and control,  transforming insights into repeatable business process. Self service is the key element being delivered by the new tools.  The demos showed many of the available tools including Data Explorer and how AlwaysOn allows you to add Azure as an availability Replica in SSMS which adds scalability.

The session ended with the message that Microsoft are providing a complete platform solution to let you find what the data is trying to say and embracing the new value of data.

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