Sunday 8 March 2015

SQLBits Superheroes

SQLBits Superheroes was held at ExCeL, Royal Victoria Dock, London between 4-7 March 2015. In its usual tradition an amazing conference packed full of a massive variety of Data and Database technology sessions. Attendees came from all over the world and it was a privilege to be able to help at the event again. I have now attended every SQLBits event and seen the event grow in size and strength. It is the place for the SQL community to grow and share.  

This year SQLBits was extended by an extra day consisting of 3 days and a free SQL Server community day on Saturday. There were more preconference choices, extended session lengths and double length sessions. The variety of topics discussed has exploded to cover the vast breath of the data platform from OLTP, Data Warehousing, Analytics, Hadoop, Azure etc. for DBA’s, developers and analysts.  All in all an amazing conference.

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