Wednesday 16 November 2016

Enhancing Business Intelligence with Data Science

The heterogeneous nature of data has resulted in an evolution of the business intelligence platform. The traditional data warehouse architectures are now a part of a greater diverse set of products and tools available for use, to gain insight. This new architecture is in Microsoft Azure, which consists of information management, big data stores, machine learning and analytics and intelligence.

This huge number of tools are known as the Cortana Intelligence Suite. Cortana Intelligence is a platform and a process to perform advanced analytics from start to finish. It is a fully managed business intelligence, big data and advanced analytics offerings. Microsoft have been helping people learn the 14 new tools to explain and show how these fit together by using a mnemonic.

Say it Cortana, Cognitive Services, Bot Framework – intelligent assistant for speech and vision
See it Power BI – interactive report and visualization
Stream it Azure Stream Analytics – real time stream processing
Big it HD Insight – implementation of apache Hadoop
Learn it Azure Machine Learning and MRS – machine learning and R Server engine
Relate it Azure SQL DB, Data Warehouse, DocumentDB -  SQL and NoSQL engines
Store it Azure Data Lake –data storage and distributed processing
Bring it Azure Event Hubs – ingest data for web, IoT and apps
Move it Azure Data Factory – pipeline to move data in and out
Doc it Azure Data Catalog – documentation
Host it Microsoft Azure - IaaS, PaaS or SaaS

These tools are supplemented by a modified process model based on the CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining). CRISP-DM is a data mining process model that describes commonly used approaches that data mining experts use to tackle problems. CRISP-DM has six major phases. 

The Microsoft team science process is:

There are many tools to get started learning about data science and these a just a few.

A collection of data science tools

Code samples

Free eBooks from Microsoft Press - Microsoft Virtual Academy
  • Data Science with Microsoft SQL Server 2016
  • Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, Second Edition

Data science track in the Microsoft Professional Program

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