Wednesday 23 May 2018

Deep learning

Deep Learning is a subset of machine learning which aims to solve thought related problems. To understand this bleeding edge technology here are a few links.

Learn an intuitive approach to building the complex models that help machines solve real-world problems with human-like intelligence with the Microsoft AI school.

Free webinar
On 31 May there is a free webinar with Jen Stirrup on Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace . The webinar asks what is Microsoft’s approach to Deep Learning, and how does it differ from Open Source alternatives? In this session, it will will look at Deep Learning, and how it can be implemented in Microsoft and Azure technologies with the Cognitive Toolkit, Tensorflow in Azure and CaffeOnSpark on AzureHDInsight

How deep learning will change customer experience
This article discusses artificial neural networks for machines which will allow machines and devices to function in some ways as humans do.

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