Friday 20 July 2018

Inspire 2018 - Intelligent Cloud and Edge

Inspire 2018 is in Las Vegas, Nevada, 15-19 July. This is the Microsoft premier event for partners. It has been interesting to see the discussions on Twitter during Inspire. These three quotes sum up a possible future state.

Without data, AI doesn't work. Data is the fuel for any AI service @TimNilmaa
It is our collective objective to democratize AI in every industry @Microsoft
The era of the intelligent edge has three defining characteristics AI, ubiquitous computing and people centred experiences @Microsoft

These three areas tie in with the Satya Nadella book 'Hit Refresh' that I have been reading. It is a truly extraordinary book that inspires you to innovate and use that innovation for a better future.

I found in my own research, people centered experiences, drive much of what, where and how things are achieved. It is these small differences in inputs,  that have the possibility to change the outputs in such variable ways. This leads to an expanding complex environment. But what if you could understand that complexity and adjust the tasks that need to be carried out in diverse cross disciplinary teams by building in AI and using a CODEX (Control Of Data EXpediently) model, when managing data and database systems. The result would stretch the breadth and depth, from on premises to cloud delivery, incorporating current and future states. A fully autonomous aid to managing data and database systems using the CODEX that is described my research should help gain that intelligent edge.

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