Tuesday 12 November 2019

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Report 2019

The fourth industrial revolution report 2019 is independent research, commissioned by Big Data LDN and sponsored by Cloudera, surveyed 500 of the UK’s most influential data leaders.

Key Fourth Industrial Revolution Report 2019 findings include:

  1. The human barriers to data-driven culture - The majority (86%) of UK data experts feel a lack of enthusiasm and support prevents creating a data-driven culture.
  2. Lack of data visualisation holds UK organisations back - 45% of UK data leaders see the lack of data visualisation skills as the biggest barrier to business requirements.
  3. Data leaders investing in humans to cross the skills chasm - Over half of UK organisations bridge the business (59%) and technology (57%) skills gap by upskilling employees.
  4. AI and ML slow down - Despite AI and ML being considered as the technology of the moment, this year’s respondents have cited a 21% decrease in its usage.
  5. GDPR still top concern - GDPR is still the dominating regulation for many (46%) UK data experts - its power over UK organisations’ data governance programs grows stronger each year. 
Download the report here

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