Thursday 30 April 2020

Rainbows of the new world

I have been working at home since mid March, living in a world that doesn't seem real. The pandemic has changed the world we live in currently. We have homes full of family, or none at all, we shop for those needing to be shielded and those selfless brave NHS staff, carers, shop worker, rubbish collectors and all, still work everyday to help the people with essential services.

This is a new age where an opportunity awaits for us to improve our lives. Many of us have been enforced into a social experiment which has shown working from home is possible with new tools that exist. Also saving the planet became possible without all the car emissions created by people travelling to work and delivering children to school by car. Our local communities became more connected and peoples started walking round their local areas.

Putting the planet and our health first is crucial to our survival. The need for urban parks and gardens has increased within cities for people mental health. With the windows full of rainbows, it has given hope and activity. Open air trim trails, local heritage trails and outside museums could help keep learning fresh.

We are seeing the need for a connected world by default and the major upgrade of internet services enables a rapid transition to the cloud services for business and home life. Cyber protection is required more than ever in this diverse world. Self driving cars and robots have the potential to increase deliveries to the door. Investment in health and AI for health has never been higher.

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