Tuesday 16 March 2021

Data Virtual Conference Extravaganza

The whole last year has certainly been one we will all remember as the year everything changed. Not defeated by the pandemic many new virtual conferences have sprung to life to help with continuous improvement and learning.

Data Toboggan

A specialise conference on Azure Synapse. The slope that enables predictive analytics. It runs 3 conferences a year which are 12 hour long events.

New Stars of Data

The launchpad for new speakers in the Microsoft Data Platform space

New Stars of Data is an event to help find and promote new speakers in the Microsoft Data Platform arena. It is run by Ben Weissman and William Durkin. Speakers submit their presentation ideas and are assigned to a seasoned speaker, who will mentor the newcomer in all aspects around delivering a presentation.

A Virtual Popup Microsoft Data Conference. #DataWeekender is a new online conference that first ran on Saturday 2nd May 2020. Our original intention was to put on an online data platform conference for the community to fill that void left by the canceling of the in-person events due to Covid-19.

A virtual MS Data Platform conference focusing on SQL Server internals.

The fastest conference for the Microsoft Data Platform Community. Lightning talks only. Organized by the @datagrillen guys @sql_williamd and @bweissman

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