Tuesday 29 June 2021

Data Culture

Data culture is a term that has been talked about over many years. It is about using data to drive an organizations decisions.  Mckinsey state there are seven principles that underpin a healthy data culture

  • data culture is a decision culture
  • data culture is a C-Suite imperative, and that of the board
  • the democratization of data
  • data culture puts risk at its core
  • culture catalysts with people bridging data science and on the ground operations
  • sharing data beyond company walls is shifting for in house competitive advantage to assembling the breath of best data assets in the market
  • marrying talent and culture 

Alation have started doing quarterly State of Data Culture reports . The latest report is June 2021. Within that report they are sharing a Data Culture Index (DCI) which is a quantitative assessment of how well organisations are positioned to enable data driven decision making. The index they have is based on data search and discovery, data literacy and data governance. I do think that data culture is also about data ethics.

The report states the top initiative to foster data culture is managing data governance and improving that data quality. 

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