Monday 2 August 2021

Responsible Innovation: A Best Practices Toolkit

Responsible innovation is a toolkit that helps developers become good stewards for the future of science and its effect on society.  

There are 3 areas
  • Judgment Call
  • Harms Modelling
  • Community Jury

This toolkit provides a set of practices currently in development, for anticipating and addressing the potential negative impacts of technology on people. This is an early release of this development.

Judgment Call 

Judgment Call is an award-winning game and team-based activity that puts Microsoft’s AI principles of fairness, privacy and security, reliability and safety, transparency, inclusion, and accountability into action. The game cultivates stakeholder empathy through scenario-imagining. Game participants write product reviews from the perspective of a particular stakeholder, describing what kind of impact and harms the technology could produce from their point of view.

To prepare for this game, download the printable Judgment Call game kit.

Harms Modelling 

Harms Modelling is a framework for product teams, grounded in four core pillars of responsible innovation, that examine how people's lives can be negatively impacted by technology: injuries, denial of consequential services, infringement on human rights, and erosion of democratic & societal structures. Similar to Security Threat Modelling, This modelling enables product teams to anticipate potential real-world impacts of technology.

Community Jury

Community Jury is a technique that brings together diverse stakeholders impacted by a technology. It is an adaptation of the citizen jury. The stakeholders are provided an opportunity to learn from experts about a project, deliberate together, and give feedback on use cases and product design. This responsible innovation technique allows project teams to collaborate with researchers to identify stakeholder values, and understand the perceptions and concerns of impacted stakeholders.

These 3  new tools under development are underdevelopment but quiet interesting to look at. 


Citizens Juries

The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines

Hagendorff, T. The Ethics of AI Ethics: An Evaluation of Guidelines. Minds & Machines 30, 99–120 (2020) 

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