Friday 24 September 2021

Data Toboggan World Azure Synapse Day

We are back for another edition of Data Toboggan, but we'd like to do something a bit different this time round.

In the last year, Azure Synapse has celebrated its second birthday, and we've all been busy doing awesome stuff with the capabilities of the platform and loving every minute. 

We want *you* to tell us how Azure Synapse Analytics inspires you, empowers you, and how it accelerates your business analytics. Tell us your stories, and what you're hoping for in the coming 12 months of Azure Synapse...

So, this next edition of Data Toboggan won't be a full-day, tech-focussed event.

Instead, we're planning on doing three 1 to 2 hour community sessions where we listen to you tell your story in a more open format.

We're not looking for long sessions - ideally each speaker would get 10 to 15 minutes to share and discuss. We're targeting Friday 12th November as the delivery date, with 3 sessions running at locally convenient times for APAC, EMEA and AMER (times are GMT, because that's where we are, and we hope they translate to 'convenient').

APAC - 08:00 GMT

EMEA - 12:00 GMT

AMER - 17:00 GMT

Look out for submission links heading your way soon ! You can submit to talk at any of the sessions - whichever is most convenient for you.

Thanks for being with us this year. We hope you'll enjoy sticking around for a while.

Stay safe,

The Data Toboggan Team. 


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