Wednesday 10 November 2021

Data Toboggan Azure World Synapse Day: Speakers

Data Toboggan have an amazing line up of speakers. We would love you to join us and support our amazing speakers who have given up their time to speak. 

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Lakehouse in a nutshell: Serverless SQL pool + Aggs + PowerBI - Armando Lacerda

DW Automation for EDW in Synapse  - Demo Only - Bob Duffy

Manage Packages on Synapse Spark - Dustin Vannoy

Migrating a Data Warehouse to Synapse Analytics - Andy Cutler

Patterns with Synapse Notebooks - Damien O'Connor

From Housekeeping to Data Engineer - My journey to find my passion -Jean Joseph

Secrets of SQL Dedicated Pool - Dennes Torres

Spreading the word about Azure Synapse Analytics - Sidney Cirqueira

Synapse and Power BI - Intro to a great data mix - Gaston Cruz

dbt & Synapse: have you seen SQL do this before? - Anders Swanson

Distributed Data in Dedicated SQL Pool - Rob Farley

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