Tuesday 16 November 2021

T-SQL Tuesday #144 – Data Governance reimagination - Wrap up

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday attracted some great responses! Thank you to everyone who participated!

My invitation for this month’s #tsql2sday was 3 fold on sharing your experiences on data governance

  • The current cost of data governance versus its benefits
  • The amazing things data governance has enabled you to achieve or will enable you to achieve in the future
  • The potential uses for Azure Purview within your estates and the automated deployment options for that

Rob Farley published a post in reply


Rob raises some key points 

  • But the checks that we do are more about things that the database can allow, but are business scenarios that should never happen.
  • You need to discover which situations cause people not to trust the data.
  • Data quality can lead to the trust, but only when it has been demonstrated repeatedly over time. Trust must be earned

Deborah Melkin published a post in reply


Deborah Melkin talks about the switch to implement data governance.

  • It is about understanding your data from both the micro and macro level
  • It’s understanding where our data lives (data assets) and how data flows through data sources (data lineage) as well as how it’s consumed and used (data catalogs and data profiling). More importantly, this is knowledge that can be shared to make data even more valuable.
  • When you start expanding the number of databases and the complexity of how your systems work, the job of governance becomes a lot harder
  • Getting started with data governance seems like a very daunting task.

Data Governance is a broad topic with many different areas which can be be seen from the replies. There is plenty for us to get started with and I'm looking forward to using Azure Purview to help with this. 

Thank you for taking the time to post insightful posts. That is the wrap up. If I’ve missed anyone please let me know and I’ll update the post.

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