Tuesday 15 February 2022

SQLBits and the case for data governance

SQLBits is fast approaching and in 3 weeks time we have the opportunity to meet the data community in person again. It will be nice to catch up, but also it will be different than before with the conference being partially virtual. It is great to see the opportunity to attend virtually as well as in person. As well as the Covid issue, this makes the event more inclusive.

Data governance is one of the things I am keen to help drive forward because understanding your data better means increased business value and enables innovation. Data governance however is a word that the industry says should not be named. It has connotations of expense and little value for businesses. It is in my mind data erudition, that learning, showing great knowledge about the data and having good quality data. Then using agile techniques to tackle small chunks and iterate through the highest priority business cases  first. It is not about trying to bring all the historic data into a managed state and drilling into full data dictionaries.

With that in mind I am excited about my session with Erwin and Wolfgang with Richard moderating where we will answer questions about Data Governance with Azure Purview. There are two ways to tackle the problem of data governance, through understanding the business problem and through using a tool to help solve part of the problem technologically. Experts in the industry have differing opinions on which to start with first.

Ask your questions for our session via this form https://forms.office.com/r/dTP38LnmsJ

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 11 March from 14:10-15:00. You will find us in room 04.

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