Friday 18 February 2022

SQLBits Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

SQLBits sessions for this year are looking amazing. I particularly like the addition of diversity, equality and inclusion sessions within the conference. Some exciting sessions to look out for 

Thurs at 12 - 12.50 Women's Power Hour in the Community Zone

Come to a meet & greet with other women data professionals and expand your network. Connect with women with similar interests and improve your entire Bits experience for the rest of the week and years to come!

Fri at 12 - 12.50  Diversity Equality and Inclusion Panel in the Community Zone

Steph Martin, Jess Pomfret, Rie Merritt, Simon Sabin, Traci Sewell, Annette Allen 

Join the group who have been working on trying to make SQLBits more inclusive. Ask us what you would like to see us do differently and how we can improve your experience at the even

Sat at 12.10 12.40  Diversity at Lunchtime  

Grab your lunch and join with other diverse data professionals and expand your network. Connect with others with similar interests and improve your entire Bits experience for the rest of the day and years to come!

Sat at 14.40 - 15.30 Women in Tech: Keys to a Successful Career Panel Discussion

Rie Merritt, Jess Pomfret, Victoria Holt, Cathrine Wilhelmsen, Pragati Jain

Your career is a journey that is unique to you, but that doesn't mean you don't have shared experiences. Join a panel of women data professionals for an open discussion on their winding career paths, how they got here, and where they're heading next. We'll talk about what it's like to be a woman in tech, what worked for them, and how building a strong network of people to be in your corner can help you achieve your goals.

There are sessions on mental health, lunch with the SQLBits Buddies, other career path sessions, sign language... So much to help us all improve our sense of whole and career. 

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