Sunday 13 March 2022

Azure Purview Workflows now in Public Preview

Azure Purview Workflows moved to Public Preview 10 March.  This functionality enables customers to orchestrate the create, update and delete operations of data entities, have validation, and approval of these data entities using repeatable business processes.

The benefit of using Purview workflows is higher quality data, policy compliance, user collaboration, and change tracking awareness across the organization.

As part of public preview, two other features have been enabled

There are two kinds of workflows at the moment:

  • Data governance for data policy, access governance, and loss prevention. Scoped at the collection level.
  • Data catalog to manage approvals for CUD (create, update, delete) operations for glossary terms. Scoped at the glossary level.

There are workflow templates  to help create those workflows to save time in creating one.

Business terms within an organisation become a critical part of the everyday organisation. To improve efficiency in managing approvals this has been automated. The terms appearing in a business glossary can use the workflow templates to allow approved terms to be added, updated or deleted in the catalog.

The four templates available for the business glossary are:

  • Create glossary terms
  • Update glossary terms
  • Delete glossary terms
  • Import terms

Creating a data access request workflow is similar to above . Creating this enables a data consumer to go to the tool and request access. The workflow is followed to enable management of self service data access. The business benefits being speed, automatic approvals and efficiency of those data assets in Purview. 


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