Monday 14 March 2022

SQLBits 2022: a hybrid event

What an emotional event. After 2 years of working at home, and everything virtual we all managed to meet in person. It was amazing to meet people in person again at Excel in London from 8 March to 12 March. It came with some apprehension and trying to be careful with testing daily, keeping your social distance as much as possible and some mask wearing as well. I hope this is the first of many more to come, but everyone I spoke to thought things would never return to how they were.  So I think for the time being hybrid events are here to stay.

I was a helper at SQLBits 2022, an orange shirt, helping out with room monitoring and the event. Also with the event being hybrid we also provided virtual room monitoring, chatting and helping those virtual attendees also enjoy the event.  Speakers were both in person and virtual.

Also this year was the start of something new, an initiative to try and help people on their own and first timers enjoy SQLBits.  We are the Bits Buddies.  The central hub was the newly envisioned community corner.  

In addition to that I was part of two panel discussions. 

  1. Data Governance with Azure Purview - Ask the Experts with Erwin de Kreuk, Wolfgang Strasser and Richard Munn asking the questions in this open session, there was the chance to ask the panel of 3 MVPs about data governance for your business using Azure Purview.
  2. Women in Tech: Keys to a Successful Career Panel Discussion with Rie Merritt, Pragati Jain and Cathrine Wilhelmsen. Our career is a journey that is unique to us, but that doesn't mean we don't have shared experiences. The panel of women data professionals had an open discussion on their winding career paths, how they got here, and where they're heading next. We talked about what it was like to be a woman in tech, what worked, and how building a strong network of people to be in your corner can help you achieve your goals.

I also took part in Venturi's Voice Podcast which focuses on tech, career and leadership. 

It was quiet a juggling act this year but it was a lot of fun and I think something special. I made new friends and the SQLBits organisers were amazing and all those who contributed to the success of the conference.  

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