Saturday 18 June 2022

Microsoft Purview Data Estate Insights

Microsoft Purview Data Estate Insights will be generally available 1st July 2022. This is an important feature to help the Chief Data Officer (CDO) gain insight about the data estate. The data estate insights helps an organisations connect to diverse hybrid data sources. There will be a new dashboard for Data stewardship, where you can see key metrics about your data estate's health and performance.

The Data Estate Insights covers key insights:

Health – key metrics that pose governance risks or risks to their catalog’s adoption with a data stewardship report

Inventory and Ownership - detailed drilldowns of asset distribution by department and ability to remediate in-app, with the Assets report.

Curation and Governance – details of classified, labelled, or termed assets and where tags may be missing, indicating a potential governance gap, starting with Classification, Glossary and Label reports


Actionable insights with KPIs shows what percentage of the data estate does not have assigned data owners and  how many assets are fully, partially, and not “curated”. This can help indicate if there is a significant return on investment. A scorecard gives an idea of the criticality of risks on the data estate.

These metrics can be drilled into further in a tree map. There is also the availability of trend analysis of key governance metrics. You can export the data for offline tracking and follow ups.

Note: Insights generation is enabled at provisioning. 

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