Thursday 17 November 2022

Day 2 PASS Data Community Keynote

The keynote is about Doing More with Less: The Challenges Ahead for Every Data Professional. These are challenging times for every business everywhere. So how can you ensure you get the most from your investment in IT, to meet your needs now, while also preparing you for an uncertain future? Join Jakub Lamik, Steve Jones and Kathi Kellenberger in this keynote which looks at how the world is changing for data professionals, and the areas to focus on which will bring the best return on your investment in the long term.


Steve Jones | Advocate

Jakub Lamik | CEO

Kathi Kellenberger | Customer Success Engineer

David Bick | Head of Product Marketing

Arneh Eskandari | Solutions Engineering Manager

There were123 sessions yesterday. Make sure you take advantage of the  networking opportunities.

16.10 Steve Jones opens the keynote talking about Kalen the technical people he had met. Opportunity, to learn and be inspired. 

Redgate are expanding across multi databases with there tools. Redgate live the Devops way, build a great culture internally and community centred. SQL Saturday started to bring it to the community. Redgate gave it to PASS. Then donated PASS away after buying it last year. 

The CEO of Redgate is on the stage.  More than a conference: a homecoming. Why important to invest in the community? Database professionals answer important questions about our world.

Every business is a software business - Satya Nadella

Software means data really, how data is ubiquitous and how it enables transformation.  Change is constant.

How has the database landscape changed.

Open source is increasingly important, all sectors and all segments. A powerful tool for community.

Cross database estate is on the rise.  - From the state of the data estate report.

Fragmentation is accelerating. Developing are influencing the databases they use.

PostgreSQL and MySQL are developing the most. SQL Server in the top 6.

Multi database environments are here to stay and complexity is growing - Steve Jones

Micro Services enable agility between software and dev teams - further drives fragmentation

Complexity is mirrored in the environment and automation required with a standard set of tool and approach. This helps with the Devops environment.

David Bick is on the Stage

Just solving SQL Server problems is just not enough for our customers. A lot of postgreSQL  growing. 

Flyway is a database schema for a standard approach using more than 25 databases. From on prem to cloud. Redgate bought and support the open support project.

Gives richer automation. Design principles - should be able to work the way you want to, flexibility, Tools and approach need to be the same but the changes need to be database specific. 

Flyway Enterprise is released for SQL Server and Oracle. This will unlock devops for developers.

Migration to cloud is expanding and Redgate can deploy in hours. Cloud required collaboration. No more silos. DBAs must be database agnostic and support hybrid database estates. 

Arneh  is on the Stage. Security and monitoring is centralised, but individual business units chose different platforms. 

Scalability and being held back . Domain expertise is needed from various cloud technologies. Not enough dashboards across all of these.  Cost control is required to be kept as low as possible. 

A typical financial set up 1000+ database 50/50 split on prem and in the cloud in the UK and US. They need granular monitoring as there is no holistic monitor. 

About solutions, community and support. 

How to help you grow. There are lots of new speakers at Summit this year.  How many children want to be a DBA when they grow up. Simple talk is a great launching point for your career. Louis Davidson is the new editor of simple talk. 

Adoption, results and advocacy in customer success. They are the face of the customer internally and getting value out of there products. Customer success is who Redgate are. Also further ongoing professional development.  There are free industry learning classes which were created in the pandemic.

The debut Redgate 100 most influential in the database community 2022 was shared.

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