Monday 14 November 2022

PASS Data Community Summit Sessions

I have 2 speaking sessions at PASS Data Community Summit on Wednesday 16 November. The live Q&A from my on demand session on: 

The adoption of Data Governance is often marred with thoughts of control and security. Data Governance is about much more in the new world. It is about driving business transformation, knowing what value your data has, and how to remove those data silos, bringing with it a new data culture. In this session, we will start to explore what the new world of Data Governance is and how we help businesses understand the benefits, why it is important, and how to get started in simple agile steps. This session will help you understand why Azure Purview brings exciting features that slot into the world enabling data governance with ease.  I share more about this in a blog post building data governance into everyday processes

A panel session exploring the role of the database in today’s digital transformation and modernization initiatives. What are the experiences of transformation initiatives and why the database has to be included in these innovation drives for the benefit of increased speed, efficiency and risk management. I share more about this in a blog post The two sides of innovation: Data and DevOps

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