Tuesday 7 February 2023

Go Beyond Data Protection with Microsoft Purview

 Yesterday a lot of changes were announced for Microsoft Purview at the Microsoft security event securing your data with a multilayered defense.  Microsoft Purview is about managing data security risks across hybrid multi-cloud data estates that have a defense in depth strategy to mitigate risk. The recording can be watched at this link. The event covered

  • Exciting new Microsoft Purview capabilities that will transform how you secure your organization’s data is. 
  • See industry experts and analysts share how to stay ahead of threats to your data with a comprehensive, defense-in-depth approach. 
  • The latest insights in data protection from Vasu Jakkal and other Microsoft Security leaders.  

The Microsoft Purview product portfolio five components for defense-in-depth approach are

Microsoft announced the public preview of Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview to help strike a balance between data protection and productivity. This interlinking capability detects risky users, assigns levels and dynamically applies preventative controls. This is context aware detection with dynamic controls and automatic mitigation.

The full scope of changes announced covered:

In the identify data landscape - the first is public preview new and improved and ready to use data classifiers for source code discovery, these trainable classifiers can detect partial and embedded source code across M365 files, pdfs and 90+ language file extensions, emails and teams messages. New trainable classifies can be used in auto labelling and dpl policies. In addition 23 pretrained out of the box trainable classifiers were released that cover core business categories like finance, operations  HR and more.

There are updated capabilities in Microsoft Purview data map GA of classification support for snowflake. For scanning tech meta data adding new data sources like Dataverse , Amazon Redshift and Tableau server.

The public preview of Microsoft Purview Metamodel that enhances the data map with business context about assets in your hybrid data estate.

Microsoft Purview data catalog updates include 

  • GA for adding custom attributes for assets in the data map 
  • business workflow support for assets updates
  • ability to save and share complex queries

In summary 

Data Map - classification in MySQL and Salesforce

Data Catalog - Save and share complex queries, Creation of articles/wiki

Data Estate Insights - Data sovereignty, Movement discovery

There are 4 questions that we need to consider about data

  • Where is my data
  • What is my data
  • Who has access to my data
  • Is it properly governed

We were left with the exciting news that Microsoft are getting ready to go private preview combining the two current portals, Risk and compliance and the Unified data governance (formerly what was Azure Purview) for an end to end view . The Microsoft Purview foundation, provides that unified data map, data governance and data classification, along side, the mission critical risk and compliance to meet the requirements that the CISO suite has, and to organise things in a single place that they can collaborate on.


Announcing Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview! Read the blog post here: aka.ms/adaptiveprotection/blog

Read our blog: aka.ms/MSPurviewNews

Check out our skill ing & learning paths: aka.ms/PurviewSkilling

Download our DLP Whitepaper: aka.ms/DLPWhitepaper

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