Tuesday 18 July 2023

Government Data Maturity Assessment

The Data Maturity Assessment for Government  helps public sector organisations to measure, improve and maintain the health and strength of their data ecosystems.

The themes


• How you get value out of data. 

• Making decisions, evidencing impact, improving services. 


• Technical aspects of data management. 

• Assets, collection, quality, interoperability. 


• Engagement with data from senior, strategic and business leadership. 

• Strategy, responsibility, oversight, investment. 


• Attitudes to data across the organisation. 

• Awareness, openness, security, responsibility. 


• Systems and tools for storing, sharing, and using data. 


• Data and analytical literacy across the organisation. 

• Providing development opportunities.

The topics covered for each themes above

The maturity levels in the framework are

Level 1: Beginning
Level 2: Emerging
Level 3: Learning
Level 4: Developing
Level 5: Mastering


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