Monday 24 July 2023

Panel discussion - Microsoft Fabric and Azure Synapse

Data Toboggan - Slide Preparation has a Panel discussion on Microsoft Fabric and Azure Synapse

Thursday 27 July 2023 at 13:00 - 14:00  BST

Register for the user group event: 

It's been a busy few weeks since the announcement of the new Microsoft Fabric at Build 2023. There's been a whole slew of blog posts, how-tos, videos and information generated - and it's a lot to go through !

Now that the dust is settling a bit on Fabric, it's time to step back and appraise the landscape - Is Fabric right for your Enterprise ? Is Azure Synapse still a thing ? What should we be looking towards in the short to medium term ?

The panel members are:

Dr Victoria Holt (Microsoft MVP)

Andy Cutler (Microsoft MVP)

Heini Ilmarinen (Microsoft MVP)

Mathias Halkjaer (Microsoft MVP)

Mark Pryce-Maher (Senior Program Manager - Azure Synapse)

Have a question ? Just let us know in the comments or chat and we'll see about getting an answer for you. You can even post questions during the meeting.

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