Saturday 18 November 2023

Microsoft Fabric is Generally Available

I watched the session 

Make your data AI ready with Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks

Jessica Hawk, Amir Netz, Arun Ulagaratchagan, Patrick Baumgartner, Profile picture of Kristen Christensen, Justyna Lucznik

'Bring your data into the era of AI with Microsoft Fabric, a powerful all in one AI powered analytics solution for enterprises that covers everything from data movement to data science, real time analytics and business intelligence. Learn how Azure Databricks and Microsoft Fabric seamlessly work together to offer customers a modern, price performant analytics solution that helps teams turn data into a competitive advantage.'

The discussion centred around the general availability of Microsoft Fabric. Below are are few slide images from the presentation.

Here is some more information about the changes.

Prepare your data for AI innovation with Microsoft Fabric—now generally available

Microsoft Fabric, explained for existing Synapse users

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