Friday 1 March 2024

Mirroring in Microsoft Fabric

Mirroring in Fabric was announced  in November as coming soon.  When i first heard the term I immediately thought of the deprecated SQL Server Database mirroring term. However the summary from Ignite shared on the MSSQLTips site

There are a few capabilities announced so far

Real-Time Data Replication

No complex setup or ETL processes. Data is replicated reliably and in real-time.

An initial snapshot captures the data, followed by continuous synchronization with every transaction (inserts, updates, deletes).

Mirroring uses Change Data Capture (CDC) technology, transforming it into appropriate Delta tables and landing it in OneLake.

Intelligent logic ensures efficient replication without unnecessary compute usage.

Access and Management

Any database can be accessed and managed centrally within Fabric.

By providing connection details, your database becomes instantly available as a Mirrored database.

Familiar database editors allow seamless management.

Data Warehousing Simplified

Each Mirrored database includes default data warehousing experiences via a SQL Analytics Endpoint.

Whether a SQL developer or a citizen developer, querying is easy using the T-SQL editor with full Intellisense or the visual query editor.

What's next

Initially the article proposes Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL DB and Snowflake will be able to use mirroring. You can read more here.

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