Sunday 1 July 2012

Performance Dashboard Reports

The new custom  Performance Dashboard Reports for SQL Server 2012  can be obtained from

As with the earlier versions of these reports they allow a database administrator to quickly identify whether there is a current bottleneck on the system, and capture additional diagnostic data that can help resolve some common problems such as:

  • Common performance problems that can be indeitifed through the dashboard are CPU bottlenecks (and what queries are consuming the most CPU)
  • IO bottlenecks (and what queries are performing the most IO)
  • Index recommendations generated by the query optimizer (missing indexes)
  • Blocking
  • Latch contention

There are 3  parts to the deployment process.

  1.  Run the run installer. The dashboard automatic install path places the files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Performance Dashboard.
  2. In the Performance Dashboard folder execute the setup.sql script.
  3. Test the deployment by opening a report. Open the report by selecting the server instance in SQL Server Maangement Studio (SSMS) and in the menu options select Reports, then; Custom reports and navigate to the install path C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Performance Dashboard. Then select  performance_dashboard_main.rdl and Click open and select Run.

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