Saturday 21 July 2012

SQL Server 2012 Install by Configuration File

Automating a SQL Server installation for unattended installation creates a consistent deliverable for a SQL Server build.

To create the configuration file run through the GUI installation selecting your predefined defaults and prior to clicking Install collect the configuration file from the specified path listed on the Ready to Install page e.g.  C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Setup Bootstrap\Log\20120619_140314\ConfigurationFile.ini

The configuration file will need additional configuration details for unattended use as sensitive information is not included.
  •  IACCEPTSQLSERVERLICENSETERMS is required to acknowledge acceptance of the license terms. 

  • The QUIET and QUIETSIMPLE settings are required to allow the Setup to display progress only, without any user interaction.

A few parameter may need updating between server builds.


The other sensitive information which is not written to the configuration file are the passwords. These can be passed into the installation configuration at run time using

Setup.exe /SQLSVCPASSWORD="************" /AGTSVCPASSWORD="************" /ISSVCPASSWORD="************" /SAPWD="************"

The Service and SQL account parameters are:

SQLSVCPASSWORD: Account for SQL Server service: Domain\User
AGTSVCPASSWORD: Agent account name: Domain\User
ISSVCPASSWORD:  Account for Integration Services: Domain\User
RSSVCPASSWORD:  Account for Reporting Services: Domain\User
ASSVCPASSWORD: Account for Analysis Services: Domain\User
SAPWD:  Specifies the password for the SQL Server sa account.

The Microsoft article that describes the install of SQL Server 2012 using a configuration file can be found here A full list of parameters are stated here

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