Thursday 1 November 2018

Future Decoded The AI Future

Future Decoded in London ExCel 31 October - 1 November is an exciting place to be. The event is packed full of AI innovations.  AI is groundbreaking and will change the face of the market place. It needs substantial learning for business and people to maximise its capability. Three takeaways from today

Maximising the AI Opportunity

Artificial intelligence is changing the UK so fast that nearly half of today's business model won’t exist by 2023, a new Microsoft report has revealed. The article can be read here
UK companies at risk of falling behind due to a lack of AI strategy, Microsoft research reveals
and the report  Maximising the AI Opportunity shares insights on the potential of AI - including Skills & Learning - based on a survey & interviews with 1000s of UK leaders

Microsoft AI Academy
A new addition to Microsoft's commitment to advancing Digital skills in the UK, the Microsoft AI academy will run face-to-face and online training sessions for business and public sector leaders, IT professionals, developers and start ups.

Microsoft Research and Cambridge University

Some amazing news from Microsoft is that is partnering with the University of Cambridge to boost the number of AI researchers in the UK.The Microsoft Research-Cambridge University Machine Learning Initiative will provide support for Ph.D. students at the world-leading university, and offer a postdoctoral research position at Microsoft Research Lab, Cambridge . Our aim is to realise artificial intelligence’s potential in enhancing the human experience and to nurture the next generation of researchers and talent in the field.

Read More:
Microsoft Research and Cambridge University strengthen their commitment to AI innovation and the field’s future leaders

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