Friday 2 November 2018

Future Decoded Day 2

Live stream updates had this  great picture summary of the keynote.

The Day 2 Keynote at Future Decoded by Satya Nadella was inspiring. He talked around this simple self-evident formula Tech intensity = (Tech adoption) ^ Tech capability and the Intelligent Cloud and Intelligent Edge in an era of digital transformation.

In any society you need three actors for growth. You need government, academia and entrepreneurs & the private sector.

The core areas to consider and build on in the future

We need to protect privacy as a basic fundamental human right. Trust and GDPR are important to achieve this.

We need to act with collective responsibility across the tech to help keep the world safe. Cyber Security threat detection and removal are core to have embedded in any platform. Microsoft have been leading the Tech Accord.

Ethical AI 
We need to ask ourselves not only what computers can do, but what computers should do

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