Wednesday 16 June 2021

Data Toboggan Cool Runnings 21 Summary

The 12 hour event ran on 12 June. We used Teams Live Events. The tool has evolved since we used it in January with some plus points and some behaviour we hadn't seen before. There were some amazing speakers from around the world: Finland, Malta, Australia, Hungary, Serbia, UK (including Scotland), The Netherlands, USA (Seattle, New Mexico), China, (Shanghai)  Canada and Norway. 

It was amazing having Robin Sutara, the Microsoft UK Chief Data Officer present the Keynote. We were also privileged to have a number of product group speakers sharing in depth details about the Azure Synapse features. Then there were community speakers and MVPs speaking. All in all a lot of content with the 45 minutes main sessions wrapped with 5 minute pre recorded lightning talks.  

We had our first expert panel discussion session which I found really interesting and informative. People were able to ask questions in advance using Microsoft forms and during the event using Slido. I would like to thank the people who watched the presentations live on the day and contributed to such a lively chat on Slack. 

I was interested to see where our twitter followers are located. It is interesting to see where Azure Synapse is being used or investigated.

There were many discussions to be had by people on the slack channel. It is nice to have free open discussions on Azure Synapse all day. The links shared in the slack channel were

Presentation tricks : 

Set the utf 8 collation after the dB has been created described by Jovan here

Learn more about distributed execution flow that serverless uses, you can read it in this VLDB article:

Andy C Slides for Turbocharge here

Using file metadata in queries :

Best Practices for serverless SQL pool

Article that explains the cost management for serverless pools in details:

Synapse Link for Dataverse:

Roman Pijack: Cost control for serverless SQL pool - the source code of the views I'll be showing during the lightning talk is available

The official MS doc that describes Cost management for serverless SQL pool:

Craig Porteous: github repo  for his session

Data Profiler Summary Stats in ADF Data Flows:

Data Factory to Synapse user voice:

Well-Architected Framework session slides

Mark PM: SQLPackage.exe 

SqlPackage for Azure Synapse Analytics - SQL Server

Wolfgang: First preview this Summer

From Drew Skwiers-Koballa  "Build a Data Warehouse with SQL Database Projects":

Finishing with the Azure Synapse Analytics Blog: 

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