Tuesday 8 June 2021

Data Toboggan - Cool Runnings line up

We have an amazing line up of speakers and subject matter experts. 

We have a a lot of different elements with the summer edition of data toboggan.

  • Our keynote will be delivered by Robin Sutara the Microsoft UK Chief Data Officer. I'm really excited to have the opportunity to listen to Robin kick off out event  
  • Ask the Experts panel from Microsoft and the Community
  • A Cloud Skills Challenge on Azure Synapse between 1st June 2021 and ends 23rd June 2021. The Cloud Skills Challenge is here for UK residents and the terms and conditions are available here 
  • Members of the Microsoft Product group sharing their knowledge of the latest features and more
  • MVPs and community members who are passionate about Azure Synapse
  • Lightning talks for a light break between sessions. We have some fun sessions, short topics and interesting research talks.  
  • And most importantly you the community attending and sharing in our excitement for Azure Synapse.

We hope you enjoy the day around the globe on Saturday 12 June 8am (BST) to 8pm (BST).  

Register now: http://bit.ly/DT-CRRegister 

Agenda: https://bit.ly/DT-CRAgenda

#AzureSynapse @Azure_Synapse #MVPBuzz

Read: Azure Synapse: A Single Pane of Glass

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