
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Wednesday 17 July 2024

The Growth of Microsoft Purview

It has been an interesting few years watching the growth of a data governance solution into a product that truly helps govern business data. The growth of  Purview has seen many changes over the last few years, to its current incarnation that becomes GA in September. The addition of in-product AI, the Responsible AI tooling, coming in the AI Hub, adds a new dimension, which will enable the next evolution for data governance.  The integration of Microsoft Fabric and Microsoft Purview will help analytics solutions have better quality data out of the box.


Microsoft Purview Data Governance generally available

The reimagined Microsoft Purview Data Governance will be generally available 1 September 2024. This is really exciting new as the reimagine portal has so much amazing capability to help business data be better, more secure and help drive business growth.

The convergence of cyberattacks, increasing regulations, an ever-expanding data estate, and business demand for insights  pressurizes business leaders to adopt a unified strategy to confidently ensure AI readiness. We see that unification of data security and governance capabilities to create a modern data governance solution that is easy for businesses to adopt democratising data and addresses the challenges of AI.

The most important feature to understand is that Data Governance require the business , people, processes as well as a technological tool to automate data understanding. It is built into Microsoft Fabric with the capability of creating custom reports from Fabric data with the data quality feature supporting any Fabric source.

As I shared before these are the collection of tools.

Sunday 14 July 2024

That's a Wrap Data Toboggan Cool Runnings 2024

Data Toboggan Cool Runnings 2024 ran 13 July 2024. We ran our largest event error since inception in 2020. We were so pleased to be able to have 3 full tracks of sessions from speakers all round the world. The event ran for 12 hours, starting with presenters from Australia, through India, Europe, Scandinavia, UK and finishing in the USA. It was our largest event with over 400 attendees. It is our principle to never close registration until after event finishes, so the event is open.to register and join all day. It is the people who make the event, the speakers, the attendees, and helpers. The organising team had loads of fun putting the event together.

We hold 3 events a year.

  • Data Toboggan - Winter Edition (full conference | end of Jan)
  • Data Toboggan - Cool Runnings (full conference | beginning July)
  • Data Toboggan - Alpine Coaster  (unconference real world short talks | early November)

We also have a user group that meets from time to time when there are interesting areas to cover called Data Toboggan - Slide Preparation. 

The virtual event started covering Azure Synapse Analytics when it was launched and with the introduction of Microsoft Fabric we have grown with technology innovation and now cover Microsoft Fabric, Synapse, Data Engineering, Data warehousing, and Analysis. We have a track with Microsoft Purview and AI connected elements as well. 

We look forward to seeing you all at the next event.

Thursday 11 July 2024

Seven time Microsoft MVP

I am pleased to share that I was renewed as a Microsoft Data Platform MVP yesterday. 

I am overjoyed and humbled to be a part of this amazing program for another year, my 7th year. It is such a privilege to be able to share knowledge and help others in the community grow. I am always excited about the amazing technology we have at our finger tips, such as Microsoft Fabric and Microsoft Purview. I am looking forward to another year contributing to and growing, the amazing data community.  Thank you Microsoft.

Award Category

Data Platform

Technology Area

Microsoft Purview, Azure Synapse Analytics

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Data Toboggan Cool Runnings tracks

We have 3 full tracks at our next event on Saturday. 

Event Date: 13th July 2024 

Register Now: https://bit.ly/DTCR2024-Register

Agenda: https://bit.ly/DTCR2024-Agenda

This will be our biggest event yet.  The track names all have a story behind them.

Bramburg track

Pradaschier track

Rigi Kaltbad track

Saturday 29 June 2024

Data Toboggan Cool Runnings 2024 - Microsoft Purview and Responsible AI

I am excited to announce that I will be speaking at Data Toboggan Cool Runnings on Saturday 13 July 2024.  

Register Now: https://bit.ly/DTCR2024-Register

Agenda: https://bit.ly/DTCR2024-Agenda

For those of you who don't know Data Toboggan is conference covering Microsoft Fabric, Synapse, Data Engineering, Data warehousing, and Analysis.  Microsoft Purview is an integral part of Microsoft Fabric and the data sets the scene for AI and generative AI to proceed. This session covers where we are with legislation and tools, why good data quality is a must for AI, how responsible AI fits and how to get started. 

Data Governance and Responsible AI, and the embellishment of AI within Microsoft Purview aid and prepare business for using AI. Moving forward I believe that combining the use of both Data Governance and Responsible AI into one actionable framework that  it will bring immediate rewards to every business use case.

Hope you can join me on 13 July 2024  8:00 - 20:00 UK Time online

The Growth of Microsoft Purview

What is Microsoft Purview is a question I often get asked. The answer is never what people expect. Over the last couple of years the Microsoft Purview solution has been growing in capability with many different applications being brought together under one umbrella term, Microsoft Purview. It is now described as having three areas.

  • Data security for information and cybersecurity teams 
  • Data governance for data consumers data engineers and data officers
  • Risk and compliance for risk compliance and legal teams

When we talk about Microsoft Purview it helps to know what the business problem is to identify which areas of the product are required.

I put together a diagram to help map out all the applications to date. In the diagram  it is clear to see the extent of the applications that Microsoft have brought together and added over the last year, to the suite of tools. The documentation refers to the 3 high level areas Risk and Compliance (shown in blue), Data Governance (shown in purple) and Security (shown in orange and green).  I have depicted the AI hub in green rather than orange, because it covers a different conceptual area of Responsible AI and that compliance protection for generative AI apps.

When I talk about data governance I am looking at apps such as data state health, roles and responsibilities for the data estate, the data catalogue, classification, lineage, all the new business domain areas such as a business glossary and the really new data quality set of tools to control and monitor quality and the health of the data. 

Thus, the new reimaged Microsoft Purview experience provides a holistic view of your data and enables better automated data management.