
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Sunday 21 September 2014

Database Readling Lists

I keep coming across reading lists so I thought I would start colating these for ease of reference.

Collated Database Reading list 
This reading list is quite comprehensive covering
  • Basics and Algorithms
  • Essentials of Relational Databases
  • Classic System Design
  • Columnar Databases
  • Data-Parallel Computation
  • Consensus and Consistency
  • Trends (Cloud Computing, Warehouse-scale Computing, New Hardware)
  • Miscellaneous
  • External Reading Lists

Big Data and Enterprise
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation has compiled a reading list related to Big Data and data-driven innovation.

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