
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Monday 23 September 2013

PhD Research Focus Groups Cambridge

Was there ever a time when you thought it would be great to know exactly what best practices and procedures others were using in the field for the management of database systems. Participating in my research focus group will give you insight into the realities, allow you to share your own best practices and procedures and at the same time help me with my research. Help make a difference in the database field and make a contribution to knowledge.

I will be holding 2 focus group meetings at PASS SQLSaturday #228 Cambridge between 27-28 September in Queens College. These interactive sessions are based around 10 questions derived from my earlier research.

My research investigates the current practices and procedures that are used and examines the complexities of managing database systems. Certain practices can be considered best practice. Best practices can be defined as a recommended way of carrying out actions for desirable outcomes as advised by product vendors or senior technical people in the field and this is the definition being used in the research.

PASS SQL Saturday Cambridge has been so kind to assist with providing a venue and forum for my research, see the newsletter snippet. 

SQL Saturday newsletter
Since one of the aims of SQLSaturday Cambridge is to try and give back to the community, we would like to draw your attention to a study group that Victoria Holt is holding in order to gather information and attempt to answer the question "Is the adoption of best practices and procedures affected by the complex interactions that are an integral part of the management of database systems?".

She is looking for two batches of approximately 15 volunteers to each give an hour of their time for a very interesting and useful discussion. More logistical details about this group can be obtained on the day, please head over to http://www.sqltoolkit.co.uk/focusgroup.htm to find out a bit more about her project.

26/09/13 or 27/09/13
Logistical details about this group can be obtained on the day

Erasmus Room, Queens College, 
Silver Street, Cambridge, CB3 9ET

By attending the research focus group meeting you give your consent to the ground rules.

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