
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Saturday 2 March 2019

SQL Bits 2019 Keynote

What an amazing SQLBits in Manchester. Four days packed full of leading edge data technology covering

  • SQL Server 2019 Big Data
  • Azure SQL Managed Database
  • Power BI
  • Kubernetes
  • Machine Learning
  • Python
  • Spark

This year SQLBits 2019 had a keynote.  It was nice for the event to have a keynote again. The theme Data Never Rests.  The Microsoft Data Platform Product group who spoke were Buck Woody, Bob Ward, Anna Thomas, Alain Dormehl, Adam Saxton and Patrick LeBlanc. An amazing set of speaks and fun keynote. They shared details of the evolution of the data platform to enable people to keep their skills up to date. The keynote is available to watch . There were several major announcements.

SQL Server 2019 will RTM in second half of the year. SQL Server 2019 CTP2.3 is available now with
  • Big data cluster enhancements
  • Accelerated database recovery
  • Performance enhancements
  • Graph data enhancements
  • SSAS enhancements

SQL Server 2019 is a modern innovation and there are various forms of the product.
  • On Premises
  • SQL Server Azure VM (IaaS)
  • Azure SQL DB Managed Instance (PaaS)
  • Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Azure SQL Database Hyperscale can autoscale up to 100TB and scale compute and storage independently.
During the keynote they showed Azure SQL Database Hyperscale where a 50TB database was restored in just under 8 minutes. That is nice accelerated database recovery.

Data virtualization and big data clusters is a game changing view with SQL Server 2019 big data clusters, data lake scale, machine learning and AI. Multiple data sources can be connected using external table, through the compute pool using Polybase connectors at the source.  Data persistence using multiple data sources is stored in shards of the data pool for SQL Server 2019 big data clusters data mart.

SQL 2019 will send push down predicated queries to other data platforms via Polybase to join SQL data with Oracle, Mongodb and CosmosDB data in one place efficiently.

SQL notebooks in Azure Data Studio is an awesome new feature. 

There is documentation to read and new courses for learning.


and a Summary of All Exams and Certifications Launched in January, 2019!


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