
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Thursday 5 September 2019

The Mirage and Metamorphosis of Data and AI

I have just taken a break to rejuvenate my creative juices. It was a time to reflect and innovate. We are often so busy in our day to day lives we don't stop and reflect. I spent my time reading and catching up on bleeding edge technology. I am always fascinated to see what is coming next, what problems researchers are trying to address and how Data and AI could be utilised to benefit industry and the world around us.

The role I enjoy the most is as a Data and AI philosopher providing thought leadership. We are at an exciting time in history to witness and contribute to the mirage and metamorphosis of Data and AI. My explorations find exciting challenges in diversity and Data and AI at the centre of most things we want to achieve. Research is increasingly needed in industry to achieve business success due to the increasing complexity within industry and the world around us. We need to move away from agile for certain tasks to enable complexity to be understood and use systems thinking techniques.  My findings on the future mirage and metamorphosis of Data and AI are a complex interconnected world around Data and AI and mastering that complexity is the key to success.


The data and AI market landscape 2019: The next wave of hybrid emerges
Part I: A Turbulent Year: The 2019 Data & AI Landscape
Part II: Major Trends in the 2019 Data & AI Landscape
Navigating AI hype in search of success, Oliver Pickup (Sunday Times 12 May 2019)
The real big-data problem and why only machine learning can fix it
Big Data is just Data
Maximising the AI opportunity
The Data Ethics Framework principles

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