
Passionately curious about Data, Databases and Systems Complexity. Data is ubiquitous, the database universe is dichotomous (structured and unstructured), expanding and complex. Find my Database Research at SQLToolkit.co.uk . Microsoft Data Platform MVP

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing" Einstein

Tuesday 15 February 2022

SQL Bits Buddies Office hours drop-in chat


You have registered to attend SQL Bits; now you are wondering what is it like. Who will be there, what happens, who can speak to, what should you bring, how can you get the best out of SQL Bits? Now is your chance to meet and chat with some people who have been there, done it and would love to tell you more.

Or maybe you have heard about SQL Bits? You have wondered what is it all about, maybe want to know just a little more. Yes, you have read what they say on the website, heard about and read all the stories. But, you would like to speak to someone who will tell you what it's like. Want to talk to real people, ask them questions, find out a little more.

Or you want to connect with someone who will be there on the day you attend. Someone you have spoken to, you want to see the same smiling face when you arrive at SQL Bits.

This is your chance to meet real people who want to speak to others. We want to meet you; we want to answer your questions. We are the SQL Bits buddies, and we want to meet and talk to you. So come along, chat with us or listen. All we want to do is make SQL Bits more friendly and fun to attend, so why not come along to chat with us.

Select a date

Tuesday 14 February 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Thursday 16 February 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Tuesday 21 February 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Thursday 23 February 12:00 - 13:00 GMT

Monday 7 March  12:00 - 13:00 GMT

You can read more about the bits buddies here

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